Thursday, September 29, 2011


The plan for this fine Thursday afternoon:

  • Be prepared for a quiz tomorrow (Friday)!

  • Journal Prompt: Using one of the writing styles on your genre sheet, write about a time you caused a wild rumpus like Max.  "Let the wild rumpus start!"

  • Finish reading pages 14-34 in the script
  • Watch the clip from the film to go along with what we just read
  • Discussion Groups (if time!)
WTWTA Discussion Questions - Scenes 58 – 65
What does Carol represent?  How do we know?
What seems to be Carol’s issue?  Why is he so angry?
Metaphorically speaking, when Max tames the Wild Things, what is he really taming?
Metaphorically speaking, what is Max the “King” of in the film?
What could KW represent?  Why?
Explain Carol’s quote on page 31: “I hope that you can tell how excited they are to have a king. Sometimes they have an odd way of showing it.  I mean, not me, but sometimes they act weird, you know, and it hurts other people’s feelings.”
What is Judith’s character like?  How does she contrast Ira?
What is Alexander like? What could his character represent?
What is Douglas like?  What is his role in the story?

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