Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Journal Prompt 9/20

 Now that we have finished both the novella and the film, your journal prompt for the week (THIS is the prompt you will post to your blog by Friday at 4 pm) is as follows:

Take on the role of a movie critic.  Your task is to write a movie review for the film A River Runs Through It.  This is not simply a review that states "Uh...yeah.  It was good...'n stuff...".  This review needs to be detailed and descriptive and explain to your readers (in great detail) WHY or WHY NOT this movie was good (GIVE EXAMPLES!). 

Maybe you want to write about how director Robert Redford captured the spirit of the novella (or did he?).  What about the plot?  Was it any good?  Perhaps you want to write about the cinematography - how was it filmed to be effective to viewers?  What about the actors - how'd they do?  Maybe you have a casting suggestion if you thought that the actor for Norman or Paul was all wrong for his part.  This is YOUR movie review based on YOUR opinion of the film.  Be specific.  Be honest.  And above all, engage your online readers!  I want to be "WOW"ed!  Wow me, Film & Fiction - wow me.

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