Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8th

Here's what is on the agenda for today, crew:

- Quiz over film terminology and the reading (hope you studied)

-Journal Prompt:

When Norman is debating whether or not to risk losing a fly in the bushes to catch that big fish that he will remember “forever”, Paul says something to his brother: “Nobody has put in a good day’s fishing unless he leaves a couple of flies hanging on the bushes.  You can’t catch a fish if you don’t dare go where they are” (42).  What does this quote mean to you?  Write about a time in your life when you had to risk something to gain something.  What was the outcome?  Did you fail or did you triumph over the feat?

- Discussion over pages 48-58 - addressing the theme of help in the novella

Homework for tonight:

- Read pages 58-71
- Make sure to post this week's blog entry by 4 PM tomorrow (Friday!)

Next week we will start the film!!!

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