Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Study for your Vocab Test!

Be sure to study for your vocabulary test - we will take it tomorrow (Thursday!).  And don't forget to post your movie reviews to your blogs by Friday at 4!  Remember that we don't have class Friday due to Homecoming, so post early - get it out of the way so that you may enjoy your Friday!

Use the discussion questions from yesterday to help get ideas for your movie review:

1.       In what ways does Redford show the strict upbringing of the boys?
2.       How does the cinematography capture Maclean’s detailed descriptions from the novella?
3.       What is the purpose of the scene where the boys steal the boat and go down the waterfall?
4.       In what ways do the actors (both the children and adults) portray Paul’s outgoing nature and Norman’s reserved nature?
5.       Even though Paul’s character is reckless, how does Brad Pitt portray his integrity?  Give specific examples from the film.
6.       The film adds details of Norman Maclean’s education and career not mentioned in the novel.  Why?
7.       Norman is 24 in the film, while Paul is only 21; in the novella, they were 35 and 32.  Why are their characters so much younger in the film?  What purpose does this serve?
8.       How does the fact that Norman and Jessie are dating (not married) during the film change the story?  Why do you think the screenplay is written this way?
9.       Is Neal what you were expecting?  Why/Why not?  What did the actor do well to portray this ill-liked character?
10.   What did filmmakers do to create a contrast between Jessie and Norman’s families?  Why do you think this was added to the film?
11.   What is the purpose of the scene when Jessie drives Norman home on the train tracks?
12.   What events in the film hint at Norman’s life beginning and Paul’s life coming to an end?
13.   What scene do we see evidence of Paul’s vulnerability?  Do we ever see him vulnerable in the novel?  If so, where?
14.   What is fishing a metaphor for in both the film and the novella?
15.   What scene from the novella would you like to have seen in the film?  Why do you think it wasn’t written into the script?

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