Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4th

The Plan for Today, my Film & Fiction Crew:

Photo taken from Google Images

Journal Prompt:

We know that Carol represents Max's feelings of anger and loneliness, while Alexander represents the childlike side of Max - the side desperate for attention and approval.  Douglas represents Max's reasonable, stable side, while Judith represents the side of Max that nobody really likes - his "downer" side.  If you had to personify your emotions or the differing "sides" that make you "you", what would they be like?  Everyone has different aspects to their personality - what would yours be?  What would you name them?  Would they be male or female?  What would they look like?  How would they act?  Come up with at least 5 profiles for the various aspects of your personality.  Have fun with this! :)

Film Clip: Scenes 66-84

Discussion Groups:

WTWTA Discussion Questions – Scenes 66-84
Carol is afraid of KW not coming back.  What could KW represent?  Why?
Metaphorically speaking, what does a huge pile of Wild Things sleeping represent?
What does the “Kingdom” represent?
The Desert in Max’s Kingdom – what could it be a metaphor for?
What’s with the dog?  Why is it in the story?  And why isn’t Max to feed it?
What is the model a representation of?  Why do you think so?
There is a theme of teeth in this story: Vampires losing them, Max biting his mom, Carol losing them.  Why is it in the script?  What does it mean?
Why is Carol stated as the only one who can build the fortress?  What could this mean?


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