Tuesday, October 11, 2011

This Week...

So, this week your group will utilize the time I give you in class to write your children's book movie pitch, the 10 page excerpt of the screenplay, and sketching the storyboard.  Refer to your rubrics for guidelines!  Take them with you to the computer lab!

Make sure that each of you set up a Google Document for these assignments so that every member of your group can work on the project - there should be no excuses for not contributing!  Remember that your group members will be evaluating your contributions, so pull your weight!  And be sure to add me to your document as well!

Get me the children's book your group has chosen!  I want to be able to read each of them so I know how to help you as you write your pitches and scripts!

Remember that we will not be writing journals this week; instead, each group member will post their group's pitch to their blog site by Friday at 4!  Remember to write to companies like Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks.  These are the companies that make children's films.

I have the due date scheduled for next Tuesday, October 18th (ONE week from today) - be ready to present your group's work by this day!

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