Thursday, September 29, 2011


The plan for this fine Thursday afternoon:

  • Be prepared for a quiz tomorrow (Friday)!

  • Journal Prompt: Using one of the writing styles on your genre sheet, write about a time you caused a wild rumpus like Max.  "Let the wild rumpus start!"

  • Finish reading pages 14-34 in the script
  • Watch the clip from the film to go along with what we just read
  • Discussion Groups (if time!)
WTWTA Discussion Questions - Scenes 58 – 65
What does Carol represent?  How do we know?
What seems to be Carol’s issue?  Why is he so angry?
Metaphorically speaking, when Max tames the Wild Things, what is he really taming?
Metaphorically speaking, what is Max the “King” of in the film?
What could KW represent?  Why?
Explain Carol’s quote on page 31: “I hope that you can tell how excited they are to have a king. Sometimes they have an odd way of showing it.  I mean, not me, but sometimes they act weird, you know, and it hurts other people’s feelings.”
What is Judith’s character like?  How does she contrast Ira?
What is Alexander like? What could his character represent?
What is Douglas like?  What is his role in the story?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy Middle-of-the-Week Day!

Discussion questions over Scenes 1-57 in WTWTA:

Which characters were added to the script?  Why were they added?  What purpose does their presence serve?
The book doesn’t specify why Max is being a terror.  What did the screenplay writers do to justify his behavior?
What does Max do to be a terror?
What do the screenwriters do to make viewers (and readers) empathize with Max?  In other words, how do we know that he is a good kid at heart?
What is the purpose of the teacher’s voice over (VO)?  What does it show us about Max?
What does Max’s wolf suit represent?  How does Max act when he does not have his wolf suit on?
What is the famous line from the book that Max shouts at his mother during the kitchen scene?
How does the boat in the middle of a huge ocean serve as a metaphor for how Max feels? How do we know he feels this way?


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27th

Journal Entry:

What is your favorite children's book?  Why do/did you love it so much?  Has it been adapted into a film?  If not, how could it be made into a movie?

We will begin reading the WTWTA script aloud as a group; today, we'll get through scenes 1 -57 (it sounds like a lot, but it's only 14 pages of text).  If there is time, we will start the section of film that goes along with the screenplay!

Be prepared for a quiz later in the week over the 5 Elements of Story Structure and Screenplay knowledge!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh, Joyous Monday!

This is what's on the agenda today, crew:

  • Journal Entry - Jolly Rancher Journal Prompt!
  • 5 Elements of Story Structure Lesson
  • Reading Where the Wild Things Are
  • Identifying the 5 Elements in the story
  • Introduction to Pitch/Screenplay/Storyboard Assignment
Group 1 - Shay, Carly, Laurie
Group 2 - Maddie, Andrew, Cory, Mikaela
Group 3 - Katie, Nels, Quinn
Group 4 - Matt, Melanie, Alex, Angie
Group 5 - Colten, Branden, Wyatt

Photo taken from Google Images

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Homecoming Friday!

A few things for my Film and Fiction class:

  • Those of you who did well on your vocab tests did EXTREMELY well!  Those of you who did poorly, did VERY poorly.  Study, people!
  • I'm missing a couple blogs - Matt and Kaela - get 'em in by 4!  (Laurie and Carly - yours will be due Monday after you finish the film!).
  • Be ready for a new unit on Monday!  We are starting Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak!  We will read both the book and the movie script!  I can't wait!
And one last thing:

Good Luck Tonight, Herders!!!
(and have a super fun and safe weekend!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Study for your Vocab Test!

Be sure to study for your vocabulary test - we will take it tomorrow (Thursday!).  And don't forget to post your movie reviews to your blogs by Friday at 4!  Remember that we don't have class Friday due to Homecoming, so post early - get it out of the way so that you may enjoy your Friday!

Use the discussion questions from yesterday to help get ideas for your movie review:

1.       In what ways does Redford show the strict upbringing of the boys?
2.       How does the cinematography capture Maclean’s detailed descriptions from the novella?
3.       What is the purpose of the scene where the boys steal the boat and go down the waterfall?
4.       In what ways do the actors (both the children and adults) portray Paul’s outgoing nature and Norman’s reserved nature?
5.       Even though Paul’s character is reckless, how does Brad Pitt portray his integrity?  Give specific examples from the film.
6.       The film adds details of Norman Maclean’s education and career not mentioned in the novel.  Why?
7.       Norman is 24 in the film, while Paul is only 21; in the novella, they were 35 and 32.  Why are their characters so much younger in the film?  What purpose does this serve?
8.       How does the fact that Norman and Jessie are dating (not married) during the film change the story?  Why do you think the screenplay is written this way?
9.       Is Neal what you were expecting?  Why/Why not?  What did the actor do well to portray this ill-liked character?
10.   What did filmmakers do to create a contrast between Jessie and Norman’s families?  Why do you think this was added to the film?
11.   What is the purpose of the scene when Jessie drives Norman home on the train tracks?
12.   What events in the film hint at Norman’s life beginning and Paul’s life coming to an end?
13.   What scene do we see evidence of Paul’s vulnerability?  Do we ever see him vulnerable in the novel?  If so, where?
14.   What is fishing a metaphor for in both the film and the novella?
15.   What scene from the novella would you like to have seen in the film?  Why do you think it wasn’t written into the script?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Journal Prompt 9/20

 Now that we have finished both the novella and the film, your journal prompt for the week (THIS is the prompt you will post to your blog by Friday at 4 pm) is as follows:

Take on the role of a movie critic.  Your task is to write a movie review for the film A River Runs Through It.  This is not simply a review that states "Uh...yeah.  It was good...'n stuff...".  This review needs to be detailed and descriptive and explain to your readers (in great detail) WHY or WHY NOT this movie was good (GIVE EXAMPLES!). 

Maybe you want to write about how director Robert Redford captured the spirit of the novella (or did he?).  What about the plot?  Was it any good?  Perhaps you want to write about the cinematography - how was it filmed to be effective to viewers?  What about the actors - how'd they do?  Maybe you have a casting suggestion if you thought that the actor for Norman or Paul was all wrong for his part.  This is YOUR movie review based on YOUR opinion of the film.  Be specific.  Be honest.  And above all, engage your online readers!  I want to be "WOW"ed!  Wow me, Film & Fiction - wow me.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, 9/19

This is what is going on today:

-Finish the film

-Go over vocabulary terms (there will be a test over them on Thursday)

-You may rewrite your Pitch assignment if you did not receive a grade you desired.  If you choose to do this, make sure that the original letter AND rubric are attached to the revised copy.

-Tomorrow we'll do a group discussion over the film - come in ready to compare and contrast!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday 9/16 Agenda

Movie Pitch Letters due Today!

Today I'll collect your A River Runs Through It books, and we'll continue with the film.
Also, be sure that you define the vocabulary terms over the weekend - be prepared for a test over them later next week!

Picture taken from Google Images

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A River Runs Through It Vocabulary List

  • Multitudinous
  • Osier
  • Enliven
  • Ballast
  • Insurmountable
  • Phosphorescent
  • Iridescent
  • Hitherto
  • Epidermis
  • Homiletic
  • Recapitulation
  • Catechism
  • Penultimate
  • Tarpaulin
  • Delphic
  • Mastodon
  • Ebbing
  • Disdainful
  • Supplication
  • Profundities
  • Crustaceans
  • Mirage
  • Cartographic
  • Pristine

September 14

5 vocabulary words due today!

For today's journal prompt, choose one of the quotes below that speaks to you.  Free-write.

"In the part I was reading, it says the Word was in the beginning, and that's right.  I used to think water was first, but if you listen carefully you will hear that the words are underneath the water" (95). 

"A river, though, has so many things to say that it is hard to know what it says to each of us" (102).

"You can love completely without complete understanding" (103).

"Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it" (104).

*Remember that your Pitch assignment is due on Friday!  Blog entries also must be posted by Friday at 4!  We will start the film tomorrow!  You may bring snacks!

Monday, September 12, 2011

"Pitch" Assignment Link and Address

Below is a link for tips on how to construct your letter to Columbia Pictures.  Please follow the format when writing your pitch:

Here is the address for Columbia Pictures; you will need to use this address on your letter:

Columbia Pictures
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

Journal Prompt 9/12

Happy Monday, Film & Fiction!  Your journal prompt for the day is as follows:

You are no longer a student at SGCHS.  You are now a certified psychologist.  Your task on this Monday afternoon is to psychoanalyze the character of Paul from A River Runs Through It.  Why does he act the way he does?  What makes him tick?  Draw some conclusions about this complex character as we finish the book this week.  Be sure to use support from the novella to back up your analysis.  And have fun with this - be creative!

I've changed your reading assignment! Make sure to read pages 71-94 for tomorrow!

-And make sure that on Wednesday (the day we finish the novella) that you have your 5 unfamiliar vocab words ready to hand in!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8th

Here's what is on the agenda for today, crew:

- Quiz over film terminology and the reading (hope you studied)

-Journal Prompt:

When Norman is debating whether or not to risk losing a fly in the bushes to catch that big fish that he will remember “forever”, Paul says something to his brother: “Nobody has put in a good day’s fishing unless he leaves a couple of flies hanging on the bushes.  You can’t catch a fish if you don’t dare go where they are” (42).  What does this quote mean to you?  Write about a time in your life when you had to risk something to gain something.  What was the outcome?  Did you fail or did you triumph over the feat?

- Discussion over pages 48-58 - addressing the theme of help in the novella

Homework for tonight:

- Read pages 58-71
- Make sure to post this week's blog entry by 4 PM tomorrow (Friday!)

Next week we will start the film!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7th

This is what's on the agenda for today:

-Discussion over your reading last night (pgs 34-48)

-Jolly Rancher Journal Prompt!


-Be sure to read pages 48-58 for tomorrow (vocab words!)

-Prepare for your QUIZ over the reading and the film terminology we went over on Tuesday!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

9/6 Agenda

Today we're going to talk about some film terminology that you all are going to have to know for when we begin watching Redford's A River Runs Through It.  Be sure to get notes from someone if you are absent!

Journal Prompt: Maclean describes fly fishing as an "art" and his brother Paul as an "artist" for mastering this difficult hobby and making it his own by what he calls "shadow casting".  What is something you can do that you consider artful?  What is it that you do in order to make it your own so that no one may replicate it? (Use one of the writing styles from the genre sheet I gave you during the first week of class - be creative!).

Reading tonight: pages 34-48 (make sure you're writing down unfamiliar words as you read!).

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 1st Journal Prompt

Personification is used in today's reading when Norman is talking about Fear 1 and Fear 2 as he is fishing on the Blackfoot River.  Think about a time in which you were scared or doubtful of something and write today's journal entry from Fear's perspective.  What would Fear say to you if it were a person? (Be sure to state what the situation was, why you were scared/doubtful - give some background information).

Make sure to read pages 22-34 for tomorrow!

Also - Review your notes over Maclean's life - be prepared for a quiz Friday!